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The top Tourism Higher Education Institutions are our partners




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WHAT oTHERs SAY about us

“A unique opportunity to connect to partners and peers around the world.”

Alexandre Pessoa
ISCE, Portugal

Partner Benefits & Responsibilities

What Partners Gain:

  • Global Visibility: Partner logos and links will feature prominently on the event website, reaching an international audience.
  • Active Participation: Partners curate and lead a conference session, selecting the theme and inviting up to two speakers. Sessions are conducted in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.
  • Exclusive Networking: Access to an international network of tourism scholars and experts.
  • No Costs Involved: Co-organizing partners participate at no financial cost.

Partner Commitments:

  • Organize one thematic session during the conference.
  • Promote the event through their communication channels.
  • Share promotional materials with their faculty, students, and stakeholders.